We are proud to announce that all Dental Care for Children locations are now accepting assignment.

Here’s what you can expect at your child’s first Dental Appointment


Here’s what you can expect at your child’s first Dental Appointment.

Sometimes not knowing what to expect at your child’s first dental appointment can be nerve-wracking. Here is a brief explanation of what you can expect to help ease those anxieties.

You will first be greeted by Lynne or one of our other awesome gals at the front desk. She will confirm your information with you and give your child a nametage to wear throughout their appointment.

When we are ready to see you and your child, one of our dental assistants will introduce themselves and escort you to the clinic area. She will then review your child’s health history and hygiene and nutrional habits. If necessary, dental xrays will be taken to assist the dentist in making a complete and thorough exam of your child’s teeth. You’re child will be introduced to the fun things in the office like the dental chair and light along with the gloves and masks that the clinical team wear that make us look funny sometimes. For younger children, they will lay down in your lap as the dentist examines their teeth and makes notes in their chart. Our main goal and objective is to educate you and your child about their dental health and optimize habits that will help them to keep their teeth healthy for a lifetime.

Here are some cute videos that will help your child practice for their first appointment! And here’s a video for the parents, that is a little more comprehensive with some more information.

Looking forward to meeting you and your child soon!

Dental Questions? We’re here to help!

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